Canine coronavirus (CCoV) is not the same virus as SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19. Canine coronavirus disease, known as CCoV, is a highly infectious intestinal infection in dogs, especially puppies. CCoV does not affect people, and causes gastrointestinal problems as opposed to respiratory disease. Crowding and unsanitary conditions lead to coronavirus transmission. This article discusses signs, treatment, and vaccines for this disease.
Kennel cough is the common name for an infectious respiratory disease that affects the trachea and lower airways in dogs. Viral or bacterial pathogens may cause it. Treatment may or may not be necessary with antibiotics and, in some cases, anti-inflammatory medication. There are no long-term effects from this infection.
Canine influenza is a relatively new, highly contagious virus that causes respiratory disease in dogs. It has been reported in all US states and some Canadian provinces. Clinical signs include coughing, runny nose, and fever. Definitive testing can be performed in the early stages of the disease. Vaccination is recommended for dogs at a higher risk of infection or morbidity. The virus is not spread to humans, but cats can become infected.
Cannabidiol, also known as CBD, is a naturally occurring cannabinoid (a compound found in the Cannabis plant), which is used as an analgesic (pain reliever) and anticonvulsant. It is used to treat osteoarthritic pain and to help control seizures in dogs and other species. Cannabidiol should only be given under direction of a veterinarian. It is used “off label” or “extra label” in animals.
Cats and dogs can become intoxicated by cannabis in various ways, most commonly by eating edibles (e.g., baked goods, candies, chocolate bars, and chips containing cannabis), or by ingesting cannabis directly (in any form). Pets can also be exposed to second-hand smoke. A small amount may affect one pet more than another, so there is no official safe level of exposure. Many of the signs of intoxication are neurological, including disorientation, dilated pupils, and hyperactivity. In severe cases, tremors, seizures, and coma can result. Regardless of the method of exposure, accurate and complete information from the owner is imperative to treat the patient successfully.
Capillaria is a small internal parasite, often less than half of a centimeter in length. They are closely related to intestinal worms, though they can live in a variety of locations within the body. Capillaria can affect both dogs and cats, although dogs are more frequently affected. Diagnosis can be difficult because the eggs of Capillaria are shed only on an intermittent basis. While the parasite is easily eliminated with a dewormer, your cat may require additional medications to decrease the inflammation associated with the infection.
Capillaria is a small internal parasite, often less than half of a centimeter in length. They are closely related to intestinal worms, though they can live in a variety of locations within the body. Diagnosis can be difficult because the eggs of Capillaria are shed only on an intermittent basis. While the parasite is easily eliminated with a dewormer, your dog may require additional medications to decrease the inflammation associated with the infection.
Carboxymethylcellulose polymer + propylene glycol gel (brand name Intrasite®) is a water-based gel that helps rehydrate wound tissue and helps keep moisture balance to aid in wound healing. This medication comes in a water-based gel form in application packs.
Cardiomyopathy is a term used to describe diseases of the heart muscle. In cats, three classes of cardiomyopathy have been described: hypertrophic, dilated, and intermediate or restrictive cardiomyopathy. In the early stages of disease, the cat may not show any signs. Heart disease can be suspected based on clinical signs, chest X-rays, and electrocardiography (ECG). The long-term prognosis for a cat with cardiomyopathy is variable, and depends on the cause of disease.
Vaccines save lives and prevent disease but can have some mild common side effects. Other less common but more serious side effects can occur within minutes to hours after vaccination. These reactions are considered medical emergencies, and you should seek veterinary care immediately if you suspect your pet is having a more serious reaction.